
31 December 2007

a complex year

first line says it all...

2007 was a very complex year for me, my wife, and my family.

Through it all, I'm very thankful for what I'm blessed with -

  • my loving wife whose love, spirit, support, and PATIENCE are always unrelenting. And that's an understatement.
  • an unbelievably wonderful apartment that we now live in
  • the new job, which still intimidates me a bit, but I'm still loving every minute of it
  • my family. We had a rare chance in 2007 for most of the extended family to be together (though briefly and under tragic circumstances), but we know that we're here for each other.
  • Christmas!

    • My wife got a promotion recently. sounds like they realize how great she is. :)
    • Space Invaders Socks! that my wife knitted for me.
    • shoes, a (jack spade!) messenger bag, computer software, and a can of pineapple, among other gifts I got!

I'm hoping 2008 won't have as much tragedy for us as this year did.

Things we'll do in the first half of the year.....

  • some light renovations to the apartment now that we've gotten comfortable
  • visiting France. Paris, for a wedding, and because we've never been....
  • working on something really cool for work (still intimidates me, but will be really cool if I can do it).

I finally finished Anthony Bourdain's Kitchen Confidential (yes, I'm a very slow reader, and I got a bit off track when I had to study for a few exams for work). After finishing it, not only do I have little doubt that I might be able to write my own interesting book, I actually feel pretty inspired to try to write some kind of a full draft and hopefully have it done by the end of '08. We'll see.

Have a Happy New Year - Drink some bubbly when the ball drops tonight, I know I'll be doing that!