
26 November 2010

is... eating!

25 November 2010

thankful for family, friends, food, and the most entertaining year of our lives thanks to Isaac!

20 November 2010

so exhausted but so warm and fuzzy seeing the smile on the little birthday boy's face. Thanks everyone !

cannot express how much he hates this elevator after being trapped in it and hiking up and down six flights of stairs many many times today...

11 November 2010

only now noticed I've been walking around with a coat claim check ticket taped to my bag since last night... Guess that explains the funny looks I got this morning..

Jon Mah (jamah!)

Posted via email from jonmah.posterous

09 November 2010

catching up with premiere of _Conan_, can't decide what I like better: Andy, the digs at NBC, or just Conan!